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- /*
- ConvolveX/Y.c
- © 1989-1993 Denis G. Pelli
- Simple one-dimensional convolution. Convolve image in srcBits by array f[] to
- produce image dstBits. src and dst may have any pixelSize, but the calculation
- itself is done with 8 bits per pixel. Assumes that everything has its origin at
- its center. Before calling ConvolveX/Y you should call SetEntries() to set up
- the color tables appropriately (unless source and destination pixmaps are both 8
- bits/pixel, in which case the color tables are ignored).
- ConvolveX/Y fills each pixel in the destination with a weighted sum over the
- source, centered on the corresponding pixel in the source. To avoid edge
- effects, it only computes pixels in the destination which have full support in
- the source. If necessary, ConvolveX/Y will inset the source or destination rect,
- so that the destination width/height plus the array length equals the source
- width/height.
- It would be nice to convert this to use Get and SetPixelsQuickly instead of
- directly accessing the pixels. This would introduce a small overhead, since the
- numbers would be copied into a long array and from thence into the pixels, instead
- of being stuffed directly, but would probably make this program quite a bit easier
- to read.
- Setting IMPROVED_ROUNDING to true improves results in some applications, but
- screws up others (e.g. the demo Filter.c). I don't have time to figure this out at
- the moment, so I'm leaving a flag that can be turned on or off to suit your
- application. I expect to fix this and eliminate the flag in the future.
- 4/1/89 dgp twice as fast, thanks to recoding to use long instead of float arithmetic.
- 4/2/89 dgp made universal by using line buffers for both src and dst, and interfacing
- to the src and dst PixMaps solely through CopyBits.
- 4/2/89 dgp ConvolveX/Y.c, a pre-processor conditional was added to generate ConvolveX
- and ConvolveY from the SAME source. The two files are IDENTICAL except
- for the preprocessor definition of CONVOLVE_X as 1 to generate ConvolveX,
- or 0 to generate ConvolveY.
- 10/9/89 dgp Fixed overflow bug. Speeded up the convolution loop slightly.
- Added conditional to use CopyBitsQuickly instead of CopyBits when source and
- destination pixelSize are 8 bits. This has two virtues. It's faster, and
- it bypasses the Color Manager's transformations through the color and inverse
- color tables, which costs time and loses accuracy.
- 10/10/89 dgp Now use RectToAddress to determine the pixelSize of src and dst, to deal
- correctly with window's pixmap.
- 7/25/91 dgp Added explicit preprocessor symbol to turn diagnostic printout on and off.
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 8/27/92 dgp Added Gestalt().
- 11/10/92 dgp Now initialize all fields of pixmap, especially the PMVersion.
- Identify all error messages as originating from here: ConvolveX/Y.
- Replaced compile-time conditional by a run-time conditional, so
- that the ConvolveY.c file is no longer needed.
- 1/22/93 dgp SwapMMUMode().
- 2/1/93 dgp Improved rounding. Removed calls to Gestalt, as unnecessary overhead.
- 2/7/93 dgp Introduced switch IMPROVED_ROUNDING to disable rounding for debugging.
- 2/8/93 dgp Fixed overflow problem caused by the new rounding.
- 7/9/93 dgp check for 32-bit addressing capability.
- 6/18/94 dgp can32 is now computed by calling TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode), which
- returns the correct answer even on Macs with dirty ROMs.
- 5/23/95 dgp Apple changed the prototype in the header file from SwapMMUMode(char *) to
- SwapMMUMode(signed char *). To retain compatibility with both old and new
- headers, I cast the argument (void *).
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h> // _SwapMMUMode
- #endif
- void ConvolveXY(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits
- ,BitMap *dstBits,Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr,int convolveX);
- #define DIAGNOSTICS 0 // true or false
- #define IMPROVED_ROUNDING 1 // true or false
- void ConvolveX(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits
- ,BitMap *dstBits,Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr)
- {
- ConvolveXY(f,dim,srcBits,dstBits,srcRectPtr,dstRectPtr,1);
- }
- void ConvolveY(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits
- ,BitMap *dstBits,Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr)
- {
- ConvolveXY(f,dim,srcBits,dstBits,srcRectPtr,dstRectPtr,0);
- }
- void ConvolveXY(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits
- ,BitMap *dstBits,Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr,int convolveX)
- {
- Rect mysrcRect,mydstRect;
- int dstLines,srcLines,dstLength,srcLength;
- int lines;
- unsigned char *dstPtr=NULL;
- register unsigned char *srcPtr=NULL;
- register int i;
- Rect dstRect, srcRect;
- register long t;
- register long *ifun, *fPtr;
- long ifunScale;
- int x,y,srcx,imin,imax;
- double tmax;
- PixMap srcTmp,dstTmp; /* line buffers */
- GDHandle device=NULL;
- double a;
- #endif
- short srcPixelSize,dstPixelSize;
- int error;
- long value;
- signed char mmuMode=true32b;
- Boolean can32;
- value=0;
- error=Gestalt(gestaltAddressingModeAttr,&value);
- can32=TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode);
- RectToAddress((PixMap *)srcBits,srcRectPtr,NULL,&srcPixelSize,NULL);
- RectToAddress((PixMap *)dstBits,dstRectPtr,NULL,&dstPixelSize,NULL);
- ifun = (long *) malloc(dim*sizeof(*ifun));
- if(ifun == NULL) {
- PrintfExit("ConvolveX/Y: Sorry, couldn't allocate enough memory for working array\007\n");
- }
- /*
- We will sum in a long register.
- The sum over the point spread function f[] will yield at most tmax, defined below,
- so we can safely multiply f[] by LONG_MAX/tmax, without danger of overflowing t.
- */
- for (tmax=0.0, i=0;i<dim;i++) tmax += fabs(f[i]);
- tmax *= UCHAR_MAX+1; /* maximum value for a pixel, 255, plus 1 for rounding */
- if(tmax<1.0)tmax=1.0;
- ifunScale = LONG_MAX/tmax;
- for (i=0;i<dim;i++) ifun[i] = f[i]*ifunScale;
- /* This is a diagnostic printout to track down overflow problems */
- t = 0L;
- a = 0.0;
- for (i=0;i<dim;i++) {
- t += labs(UCHAR_MAX*ifun[i]);
- a += fabs(f[i]);
- }
- device=GetGDevice();
- SetGDevice(GetMainDevice());
- PmForeColor(UCHAR_MAX);
- PmBackColor(0);
- PrintfExit("a=%lf, t=%lx, ifunScale=%lx, t/ifunScale=%lf\n",a,t,ifunScale,t*1.0/ifunScale);
- SetGDevice(device);
- #endif
- /*
- Unfortunately CopyBits will crash if the line buffer is too large, e.g.
- 640 pixels long. We can minimize this problem by reducing the size of the
- srcRect to be no larger than necessary (i.e. dstRect plus dim).
- */
- mysrcRect = *srcRectPtr;
- mydstRect = *dstRectPtr;
- if(convolveX){
- i=mysrcRect.right-mysrcRect.left - (dim+mydstRect.right-mydstRect.left);
- if(i>0)InsetRect(&mysrcRect,i/2,0);
- i=mysrcRect.bottom-mysrcRect.top - (mydstRect.bottom-mydstRect.top);
- if(i>0)InsetRect(&mysrcRect,0,i/2);
- if(i<0)InsetRect(&mydstRect,0,-i/2);
- }else{
- i=mysrcRect.right-mysrcRect.left - (mydstRect.right-mydstRect.left);
- if(i>0)InsetRect(&mysrcRect,i/2,0);
- if(i<0)InsetRect(&mydstRect,-i/2,0);
- i=mysrcRect.bottom-mysrcRect.top - (dim+mydstRect.bottom-mydstRect.top);
- if(i>0)InsetRect(&mysrcRect,0,i/2);
- }
- srcRectPtr = &mysrcRect;
- dstRectPtr = &mydstRect;
- if(convolveX){
- dstLines = dstRectPtr->bottom-dstRectPtr->top;
- srcLines = srcRectPtr->bottom-srcRectPtr->top;
- dstLength = dstRectPtr->right-dstRectPtr->left;
- srcLength = srcRectPtr->right-srcRectPtr->left;
- }else{
- dstLength = dstRectPtr->bottom-dstRectPtr->top;
- srcLength = srcRectPtr->bottom-srcRectPtr->top;
- dstLines = dstRectPtr->right-dstRectPtr->left;
- srcLines = srcRectPtr->right-srcRectPtr->left;
- }
- if(dstLines > srcLines) lines = srcLines;
- else lines = dstLines;
- /* Allocate our line buffers. */
- srcTmp = **(*GetGDevice())->gdPMap; /* Use current device to init PixMap fields */
- srcTmp.pmVersion=srcTmp.packType=srcTmp.packSize=0;
- srcTmp.planeBytes=srcTmp.pmReserved=0;
- srcTmp.cmpCount=1;
- srcTmp.pixelSize=8; /* The main loop assumes 8 bits per pixel */
- if(convolveX){
- SetRect(&srcTmp.bounds,0,0,srcLength,1); /* a horizontal line buffer */
- }else{
- SetRect(&srcTmp.bounds,0,0,1,srcLength); /* a vertical line buffer */
- }
- srcTmp.rowBytes = 2*(((srcTmp.bounds.right-srcTmp.bounds.left)*srcTmp.pixelSize+15)/16);
- srcTmp.baseAddr = (Ptr) malloc(srcTmp.rowBytes*(srcTmp.bounds.bottom-srcTmp.bounds.top));
- srcTmp.rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* Mark it as a PixMap, not a BitMap */
- dstTmp = srcTmp;
- if(convolveX){
- SetRect(&dstTmp.bounds,0,0,dstLength,1); /* a horizontal line buffer */
- }else{
- SetRect(&dstTmp.bounds,0,0,1,dstLength); /* a vertical line buffer */
- }
- dstTmp.rowBytes = 2*(((dstTmp.bounds.right-dstTmp.bounds.left)*dstTmp.pixelSize+15)/16);
- dstTmp.baseAddr = (Ptr) malloc(dstTmp.rowBytes*(dstTmp.bounds.bottom-dstTmp.bounds.top));
- dstTmp.rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* Mark it as a PixMap, not a BitMap */
- if(srcTmp.baseAddr == NULL || dstTmp.baseAddr == NULL)
- PrintfExit("ConvolveX/Y: Sorry, couldn't allocate enough memory for working arrays\007\n");
- /* Define the rectangles that map src and dst to their respective line buffers */
- srcRect = srcTmp.bounds;
- OffsetRect(&srcRect,srcRectPtr->left,srcRectPtr->top);
- dstRect = dstTmp.bounds;
- OffsetRect(&dstRect,dstRectPtr->left,dstRectPtr->top);
- if(convolveX){
- OffsetRect(&srcRect,0,srcLines/2-lines/2);
- OffsetRect(&dstRect,0,dstLines/2-lines/2);
- }else{
- OffsetRect(&srcRect,srcLines/2-lines/2,0);
- OffsetRect(&dstRect,dstLines/2-lines/2,0);
- }
- /* Convolve one line per iteration */
- /* y indicates which line, x indicates which pixel along that line */
- for (y= -lines/2; y<(lines+1)/2; y++) {
- /* first copy a line from srcBits into line-buffer srcTmp */
- if(srcPixelSize == srcTmp.pixelSize)
- CopyBitsQuickly(srcBits,(BitMap *) &srcTmp,&srcRect,&srcTmp.bounds,srcCopy,NULL);
- else
- CopyBits(srcBits,(BitMap *) &srcTmp,&srcRect,&srcTmp.bounds,srcCopy,NULL);
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmuMode);
- if(!convolveX){
- /* Unfortunately the minimum PixMap rowBytes is 2 bytes, so we
- squeeze out the extra space before processing
- */
- srcPtr= (unsigned char *) srcTmp.baseAddr;
- dstPtr= (unsigned char *) srcTmp.baseAddr;
- for (x=0; x<srcLength; x++) {
- *dstPtr++ = *srcPtr;
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- }
- dstPtr= (unsigned char *) dstTmp.baseAddr;
- srcx = srcLength/2 - dim/2 - dstLength/2;
- for (x=0; x<dstLength; x++) {
- imax=dim;
- if(srcx+dim>srcLength) imax=srcLength-srcx;
- if(srcx<0){
- imin= -srcx;
- srcPtr=(unsigned char *) srcTmp.baseAddr;
- }
- else {
- imin=0;
- srcPtr=(unsigned char *) srcTmp.baseAddr+srcx;
- }
- fPtr=&ifun[imin];
- for (t=0L, i=imin;i<imax;i++) t += *fPtr++ * (long)(unsigned long) *srcPtr++;
- if(t>0)t+=ifunScale>>1; // round t/ifunScale to nearest integer
- else t-=ifunScale>>1;
- #endif
- t/=ifunScale;
- if(convolveX){
- *dstPtr++ = (unsigned char) t;
- }else{
- /* Unfortunately the minimum PixMap rowBytes is 2 bytes, so we
- insert a space between pixels
- */
- *dstPtr = (unsigned char) t;
- dstPtr += 2;
- }
- srcx++;
- }
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmuMode);
- /* finally, copy the line from buffer dstTmp to dstBits */
- if(dstPixelSize == dstTmp.pixelSize)
- CopyBitsQuickly((BitMap *) &dstTmp,dstBits,&dstTmp.bounds,&dstRect,srcCopy,NULL);
- else
- CopyBits((BitMap *) &dstTmp,dstBits,&dstTmp.bounds,&dstRect,srcCopy,NULL);
- if(convolveX){
- OffsetRect(&srcRect,0,1); /* adjust Rects to point to next line */
- OffsetRect(&dstRect,0,1);
- }else{
- OffsetRect(&srcRect,1,0); /* adjust Rects to point to next line */
- OffsetRect(&dstRect,1,0);
- }
- }
- free((void *) ifun);
- free((void *) srcTmp.baseAddr);
- free((void *) dstTmp.baseAddr);
- }